The children's show "Super Sidekick: The Musical" was recently part of the FringeNYC festival, which showcases the best up-and-coming theatre work to NY audiences. At the conclusion of the festival, the show had the honor of the being the first Fringe children's show asked to extend their run for another month as part of an Encore series! There are only three performances left, but the theatre company behind the show, ArtEffects, wants to be able to convince the Soho Playhouse to make room for an extension.
Perfect for small children, with audience participation, a perfect hour run-time, and catchy musical numbers-L.A. Theatre Review
The team behind "Super Sidekick: The Musical" have perfected the art of live-action cartoon, mixed with a healthy dose of "Glee."
"Super Sidekick" is a fun, super-charged adventure that’s sure to keep your kid engaged, and probably you as
Performances run every Saturday and Sunday at 1 PM through September (excluding Saturday, September 22nd) at Soho Playhouse. For more information and to reserve tickets. please visit the Soho Playhouse website by clicking here.
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