19 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

Parenting Pointers: Fire Drill

When was the last time you and your family had a fire drill? It's important to have a plan, no matter what age your kids are. You might think if your kids are small that you and your husband will know the best way to get them out - but practice and conversation are key to making a reaction automatic.

For kids 5 and older, using a map is fine, but practice still helps. Kids under 5 don't grasp concepts on maps as well, so it's better to walk them through it. Any kid age 3 and above needs to know stop, drop, and roll if their clothing catches fire (not to run) and that they need to go to the nearest exit if they hear the fire alarm. It's also important to teach them to crawl under smoke.

Another useful tip - have them see a firefighter in full gear. The sight of a person in full gear, helmet, and mask can be quite scary, especially to a child who is trapped by flames or smoke. The last thing you want is for them to try to hide from the firefighter who is trying to rescue them. Any fire station will most likely happily oblige, and many cities have touch-a-truck days that are perfect opportunities to reinforce that firefighters are there to help.

If you have small kids, talk to your spouse or oldest children about responsibility. Who will focus on which child if a fire breaks out in the middle of the night, for example?

The more practice you get with drills, the better an automatic response will be should an emergency ever strike.

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